Jade Templeton Info:
Age: 24
Zodiac Sign: Virgo <3
Hometown: I’m from West Monroe, LA (Currently resides in Houston, TX)
Ethnicity: Cajun French/Native American/Caucasian.
Occupation: Model/Promoter
Measurements: 35.5-29-38
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 140
Instagram: @JadeGanesh
Twitter: @JadeBaby1213
Facebook: Facebook.com/JadeTempleton
Snapchat: @JadeGanesh
Personal Website: www.facebook.com/JadeTempleton
Dream Car: Nissan GTR
Best advice you’ve ever received: Thoughts become things.
Favorite Meal: Sushi
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Cle’ or Vrsi in downtown Houston
Favorite Sports Team(s): I don’t follow sports much, but I do enjoy going to a football or baseball game anytime!
Favorite Album: These Things Happen by G-Eazy <3
Favorite Movie: Pineapple Express
Favorite Quote: “We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose.”
Favorite Website: www.thesecret.tv
Favorite Photographer: Ronald Wayne is my favorite right now! @uhhmazing1 on Instagram. My favorite I’ve personally worked with is Raphael Brown with Digital Icon Photography. @digitalicon
Favorite Brand of Clothing: BeBe! <3
Favorite part of a man’s body: Arms and hands
Turn-Ons: Manners and respect
Turn-Offs: Disrespect and being too touchy unless I’m being touchy with you!
Celebrity Crush: Megan Fox
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie” (Sex): Ladies never tell.
Jade Fun Fact: N/A
Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Stole my car.
How would you change the world in 2016: I think the best way to create change in a positive manner is just being yourself and showing unconditional love. You might not change the world, but you could change someone else’s.
How do you know when you’re in love: When you start doing selfless acts and expecting nothing in return because you want to make that person happy.
Describe the “Perfect Date”: Take me to a museum or concert. Something fun that makes me want to come around again.
I feel sexiest when……: I’m dressed up ready to go out or at a photoshoot.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Don’t try to impress me, just be yourself.
What makes Jade a “Bombshell”: A bombshell is all about being sexy, and loving and knowing your body.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (5/30/16): MODEL JADE TEMPLETON appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.