Christina Nam
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hometown: Medford, OR
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: Model/Manager of Star Sushi1 & 2
Measurements: N/A
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 125
Instagram: @tinadollasign
Twitter: N/A
Snapchat: @christinanamm
Personal Website: N/A
Dream Car: Rolls Royce
Best advice you’ve ever received: If you ain’t got haters, you ain’t doing it right.
Favorite Meal: Korean BBQ & Pizza
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: 1 Oak
Favorite Sports Team(s): 49ers
Favorite Album: Drake “Views”
Favorite Movie: The Choice
Favorite Quote: “Her attitude savage, but her heart is gold.”
Favorite Website: N/A
Favorite Photographer: Jeff J. @Yojefff on Instagram
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Marcianos
Favorite part of a man’s body: Abs
Turn-Ons: Fun personality
Turn-Offs: Bad breath
Celebrity Crush: Johnny Depp
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie” (Sex): In Hawaii. I had sex while people were snorkeling.
Christina Fun Fact: I love to sing.
Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Some guy tried to lie to me and say he was going to make sure I didn’t get into a concert because I didn’t reply to 10 of his creepy messages on Facebook. So he pretty much lied and said he worked somewhere when he wasn’t even one of the securities.
How would you change the world in 2016: I would make everyone believe that they should always be comfortable in their own skin and rock whatever they want.
How do you know when you’re in love: When I can be a total dork around that person and miss them after just seeing them. And if they win my parents heart….
Describe the “Perfect Date”: Anything can be a perfect date for me. As long as thought is put into it. That’s something special to me.
I feel sexiest when……: If I had a partner and he made me feel confident and sexy.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Don’t try and talk to multiple girls at the same time. We find out everything.
What makes Christina a “Bombshell”: What doesn’t?
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (5/25/16): MODEL CHRISTINA NAM appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.