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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (4/23/18): Model Sheryl Marie


Sheryl Marie Info:

Age: 34

Zodiac Sign: Taurus …be good to us and we will be loyal to you but mess with the bull and you get the horns!

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Ethnicity: Filipino/Swedish

Occupation: Model/Makeup Artist/Talent/Business woman

Measurements: 32-26-36

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 121


Instagram: @MissSherylMarie

Twitter: @MissSherylMarie

Facebook: Facebook.com/OfficialSherylMariefans

Snapchat: @MissSherylMarie

Personal Website: www.sheryl-marie.com

Dream Car: Tesla Model 3

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Be true to yourself and don’t think like a chicken when you’re an eagle. My Mom always have the best nuggets of advice.


Favorite Meal: Ceviche, grilled salmon, scallops, & shashimi

Favorite Drink: Water, coffee or green tea but as an adult beverage I like straight no chaser! I usually will order tequila, vodka or whiskey on the rocks.

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Drais Beachclub, XS and Surrender in Vegas

Favorite Sports Team(s): GS Warriors (Dub Nation) and SF Giants

Favorite Album: Bruno Mars 24K Magic and all of Jhene Aiko’s albums

Favorite Movie: Hachi, The Wolf of Wallstreet, & The Revenant

Favorite Quote: “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”

Favorite Website: YouTube for the music and you can learn basically everything and anything, knowledge is power!


Favorite Animal: Dogs

Favorite Photographer: Fashion photographer Yu Tsai. I love his Guess ads and I always collect their look books with his work.

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Guess, Victoria’s Secret, Nike, Windsor, Forever21 and FashionNova

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: His eyes, they’re the window to the soul.

Turn-Ons: Positive energy, creatives, outgoing, family oriented and have goals and priorities straight.

Turn-Offs: Negative energy, arrogance, lazy, poor hygiene, judgmental, & emotionally unavailable

Celebrity Crush: Gal Gadot is my girl crush.

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: I don’t kiss and tell


A Personal Fun Fact: I’m an avid traveler and have visited 11 countries, 3 continents and 22 US states.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: While driving on the freeway. Did he really think I was going to pull over and give him my #? lol

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Lots of eye contact and smiles.

How would you change the world in 2018: To have all car brands have an electric model — save global warming and money on gas.

How do you know when you’re in love: When we’re best friends, ride or die and still know how to make each other laugh.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Anything that allows me to get to know you on a deeper level while we have good vibes/laughter the entire time. Bonus points if he plans the entire date.

I feel sexiest when……: Unwinding at home, after taking a shower while listening to R&B.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Be respectful, appreciative and straight up with her. If you have nothing to add to her life, please leave her alone.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I am a bombshell because basically I’m a tequila in a teacup…petite, curvy and strong! Everything I put my mind to, I have accomplished or take it to another level.

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