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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (11/17/17): Model Brittany Murata


Brittany Murata (It’s Brittany Bitch!) Info:

Age: 30

Zodiac Sign: Fierce Leo

Hometown: Chicago, IL

Ethnicity: Asian American as in Japanese and Italian mainly. I just say “Mixed”

Occupation: Independent Contractor for marketing and Spokes model, Product Specialist etc. Too many titles to list, wish there was one broad term for it all.

Measurements: 34-26-32

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 128-135 depends if I’m in the gym heavy or cutting weight.


Instagram: @brittanymurata

Twitter: @brittanymurata

Facebook: Brittany Murata

Snapchat: N/A

Personal Website: www.brittanymurata.com

Dream Car: Bugatti but I’ll settle for a Lambo too.

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: “Time is something you’ll never get back, so focus on enjoying it while you have it.”


Favorite Meal: Steak and potatoes and sorry not sorry I’m not vegan (Laughs).

Favorite Drink: Red Wine

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: None I use to work in them for 14+ years I’m good on that scene unless I’m there making money!

Favorite Sports Team(s): Denver Broncos, Cubs, & Love all soccer teams!

Favorite Album: ‪Linkin Park “Hybrid Theory”‬

Favorite Movie: ‪Forrest Gump if I had to just name one.‬

Favorite Quote: “The best revenge is success!”

Favorite Photographer: Don’t have one, they’re all the same! Lol Jk That’s me being a smart ass.

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Any athletic clothing, I hate wearing clothes.

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Upper body, abs are sexy af!

Turn-Ons: Intelligence, knowing how to treat a woman, manners, opens doors, treats me like a queen and spoils me just enough, works hard and works out! Just to name a few.


Turn-Offs: Ignorance, no matters, basically everything opposite of what I said. Doesn’t like sports!

Celebrity Crush: Can’t name just one but athletic types are sexy!

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: In a car parked anywhere. It’s been awhile.

A Personal Fun Fact: I’m a tom boy and hate getting “model ready” I don’t want to spend time on looking all extra. I like the natural me and it’s sad more women don’t feel the same way.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: He was trying to be cool and was looking at me while he was walking and walked into this guys parked show car, the owner was pissed. 😂

How would you change the world in 2017: Help save the world because it’s in worse space than people think.

How do you know when you’re in love: When you can’t help but look at that person and lose train of thought. Not being able to be away from them and how you’d throw yourself in front of a moving bus to protect them.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: I’m a hopeless romantic type so do some stuff like that and you’ve got it in the bag 😂

I feel sexiest when……: I get out of the shower and I’m so fresh n so clean!

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Pay attention to your woman or else someone else will!

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I’m a badass because I have more balls than most men. I say what everyone is to scared to say and I’m straight up. If I don’t like something you’ll know it and if you want honest advice I’m the one to ask! F* being fake, ain’t got time for that!

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (11/21/17): Model Allyson Joy Adams


Allyson Joy Adams Info:

Age: 23

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Ethnicity: Filipino/Caucasian

Occupation: Model/Kickboxing Coach

Measurements: 34-25-35

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 115


Instagram: @hiallysonjoy

Snapchat: @allyyyjoy

Personal Website: www.allysonjoy.com

Dream Car: White Pearl 2018 Subaru STI


Favorite Meal: I don’t discriminate on food <3

Favorite Drink: I’m obsessed with Mio flavored water.

Favorite Sports Team(s): Denver Broncos & Golden State Warriors

Favorite Movie: Bridesmaids, ‪Pineapple Express‬, The Avengers…and every other superhero movie 😀

Favorite Quote: Too many good ones to pick.

Favorite Website: Google, Netflix, & Instagram

Favorite Animal: All animals!

Favorite Photographer: I have a couple 😊

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Anything from Sun Diego, Bebe, Nordstrom, Venus, and anywhere i can buy workout clothes.

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: His smile and personality.


Turn-Ons: Humorous, intelligent, open minded, respectful…

Turn-Offs: Cockiness is number one.

Celebrity Crush: Paul Walker FOREVER RIP!

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: What’s “whoopie” sex?<img src=" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /><img src=" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" /><img src=" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />" class="wp-smiley" style="height: 1em; max-height: 1em;" />


A Personal Fun Fact: Umm when I was little I could sleep anywhere! Under the bed, in boxes, in a closet 😂 I like my sleep 😊

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: I would’ve done more volunteer work.

How do you know when you’re in love: When the word “love” doesn’t describe how you feel anymore 😊

Describe the “Perfect Date”: I like simplicity with a little bit of thought in the date.

I feel sexiest when……: I am laughing!

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Treat woman with respect and the golden rule of course.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I think what makes me a bombshell is that I am a hard working woman that isn’t afraid to be myself. I’m not afraid of my quirkiness, my flaws, I truly care about worldly problems and the people and animals that live on it; but most of all I am a proud woman that empowers other woman.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (11/28/17): Model Victoria Hershey


Victoria Hershey Info:

Age: 20

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Hometown: Norfolk, VA

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Mechanic/Model

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 135


Instagram: @victoriarghh

Twitter: @victoriarghh1

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Can’t never could, but try did it all.

Favorite Meal: Veggie Pizza

Favorite Drink: Smoothies


Favorite Sports Team(s): New England Patriots

Favorite Album: Paranoia: A True Story

Favorite Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favorite Quote: “We all wear masks, and the time comes where we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.”

Favorite Website: Netflix

Favorite Animal: Cheetah

Favorite Photographer: @JDelany

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Nike

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Chest

Turn-Ons: Neck kissing, thigh grabbing, & brown eyes.

Turn-Offs: Chewing with an open mouth, a real boring personality.

Celebrity Crush: Chris Hemsworth

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: On the beach during the day.


A Personal Fun Fact: I literally do any dare, it’s why I have a burn on my hand and a tattoo on my lip.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: I had a guy leave a cigar butt on my car windshield every morning for a few weeks.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them:

How would you change the world in 2017: Cheaper college tuitions.

How do you know when you’re in love: I don’t really know, I guess when I can’t find anyone else attractive and I find myself doing little things to make them happy.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: A car ride to a city we’ve never been in, visiting sites we’ve never seen or heard of.

I feel sexiest when……: I’m wearing a new piece of lingiere.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Respect women, all women, for whatever they choose.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: A hopeful mixture of my confidence and actual beauty, my personalities pretty kickin’ too.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (12/4/17): Model Gabrielle Escubio


Gabrielle Escubio Info:

Age: 21

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Hometown: Born in Manila, Living in Sydney, Australia

Ethnicity: Filipino-Spanish

Occupation: Student/Model/Homeloans Consultant 

Measurements: 35-25-36

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 52kg


Instagram: @senorita_gab

Twitter: @senorita_gab

Snapchat: @gaveee

Dream Car: Evo 10

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Focus on your goals and don’t worry about what other people say.


Favorite Meal: Burrito!!!

Favorite Drink: Bubble tea, Vodka Lemonade

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: In Sydney  – Ivy, and Embassy Bar

Favorite Sports Team(s): Real Madrid C.F.

Favorite Album: Beauty Behind The Madness by ‪The Weeknd ‬

Favorite Movie: The Fast & The Furious

Favorite Quote: “Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.”

Favorite Animal: DOGS!!!

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Zimmerman

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Biceps & Eyes


Turn-Ons: Guys who have ambition and goal to move forward in life, family oriented, and committed.

Turn-Offs: Guys who cheat and lie, can’t keep a conversation going, and are narcissistic.

Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Back of a car


A Personal Fun Fact: I can speak 3 languages – Filipino, English and Spanish. And I’ve always wanted to go to art school when I was younger but I have to prioritise my goals first to make my family proud.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: A guy once booked a paid shoot with me so he could get to know me. He’s not even a photographer 😂

How would you change the world in 2017: Be kind to everyone I meet. I may just be one person but a simple act of kindness can have a big effect on people’s lives.

How do you know when you’re in love: You’ll always find yourself thinking about them and ways to make them happy.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Any date is perfect as long as I’m with the right person and it involves a lot of foooood!!!

I feel sexiest when……: I remove my makeup after a long day, put my hair in a bun, and wear an oversized shirt.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Instead of collecting girls, find yourself ‘one’ great woman.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: Because I’m confident I got something more to offer other than appearance, I’m smart and talented too.

*Photo courtesy of mochrumphotography

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (12/7/17): Model Susanna Moreno


Susanna Moreno Info:

Age: 39

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: Visalia, CA

Ethnicity: Korean/Mexican

Occupation: Insurance Agent

Measurements: 32-24-36

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 110


Instagram: @smoreno559

Snapchat: @smorenopix

Dream Car: Lamborghini Aventador

Favorite Meal: Korean BBQ

Favorite Drink: Smoothies and H20


Favorite Bar/Nightclub: I’d rather be at the gym than the club.

Favorite Sports Team(s): Chicago Bears

Favorite Album: Jay’s Blueprint , ‪Usher’s‬ Confessions , ‪Bryson Tiller‬ Trapsoul, the list goes on…. 

Favorite Movie: Star Wars

Favorite Quote: “Do what is right not what is easy.”

Favorite Website: Kaboom! Magazine

Favorite Animal: Lion

Favorite Photographer: @i.am.phototography, @devonjacobyprodructions, @ecc_mujer, @r.arthurphoto

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Nike & Victoria Secrets 

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: His Lips


Turn-Ons: Having good hygiene, being assertive, being kind, and thoughtful

Turn-Offs: Bad hygiene, rudeness, having a bad temper, being cocky, selfishness, lying all the time

Celebrity Crush: Trey Songz

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Never kiss and tell.


A Personal Fun Fact: I’m alittle OCD and I smile in my sleep sometimes.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Pay for my family’s dinner and gave the waitress his number to give to me.

How would you change the world in 2017: I would spread more love and encourage others to do so we need to over power hate ,I also want to put together local support groups for women who’ve been through domestic violence and have no way of getting out of their situation.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I put their needs first, and my heart races when I’m next to them, I want to support and better them.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: I believe it’s more about the company, good food and conversation when your focus is on each other and you just feel that vibe.

I feel sexiest when……: I feel sexiest when I’m wearing lingerie.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: No matter what always be a gentlemen and be yourself.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: What makes me a “bombshell” is being both Korean and Mexican, the best of both worlds… I bring an exotic look naturally.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (12/11/17): Model Ms. Malibu


Ms. Malibu Info:

Age: 21

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Ethnicity: African-American/Caucasian

Occupation: Dental School Student/Model/Entertainer

Measurements: 36-28-40

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 135


Instagram: @ms_malibu
*I’m working on a new clothing line and website launching soon called Boujee Babe and also a Christmas shoot that will be very naughty.

Twitter: @its_brose_baby

Snapchat: @brisotrill

Dream Car:Bentley Truck

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: The best advice I’ve ever recieved was to just be myself and do what makes me happy…never make decisions based on someone else or their opinion.


Favorite Meal: tie between hibachi and stuffed chicken from Ruth’s Chris

Favorite Drink: Fruit Smoothies

Favorite Album: Anything by ‪Jhene Aiko‬ or ‪The Weeknd‬

Favorite Movie: ‪Fried Green Tomatoes‬

Favorite Quote: if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

Favorite Website: Fashionnova

Favorite Animal: Pomeranian

Favorite Photographer: Al Cole

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Gucci

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Arms and Torso


Turn-Ons: Great smile, smells good, dresses right, & listens

Turn-Offs: Bad breath, poor etiquette, poor hygiene, & fake

Celebrity Crush: Drake

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: I’m not too wild… backseat of a car in a random lot


A Personal Fun Fact: A personal fun fact about would be that I am just super goofy.. people thought i was crazy in middle school.. my friends and I had our own language basically.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Craziest thing a guy has ever done was try to show off on a bike and fall off and hurt himself.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: My current relationship started from me liking a few pics on IG and he hit the DM right after!

How would you change the world in 2017: I would make it more peaceful and equal and keep everyone out of categories.

How do you know when you’re in love: You know when you’re in love when you know you can overcome any obstacle.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: The perfect date would be dinner on a boat during the susnet with live music, with a bottle of moscato or moet just the two of us.

I feel sexiest when……: I go out fresh out of the shower, clean face, in sweats and literally still get hit on even dressed like a slob!

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: One piece of advice i’d give men would be to just be yourself from the start.. we see right through it all and being real gets you way further.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I am a bombshell because beyond the beauty and the look I have the brains… bigger plans and aspirations then just being recognized by my beauty or the size of my ASSets 😉 I’m ambitious and work hard, no hand out

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (12/23/17): Model Cecilia Paige


Cecilia Paige Info:

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: New York City, NY

Occupation: Skin Therapist /Model

Measurements: 34C-24-36

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 125


Instagram: @ceciliaaa_____

Dream Car: Spaceship

Favorite Meal: Wild Salmon

Favorite Sports Team(s): New England Patriots

Favorite Album: Nirvana “Nevermind”

Favorite Movie: Natural Born Killers


Favorite Quote: “Get in loser. We’re going shopping” – ‪Mean Girls‬

Favorite Photographer: Gilles Bensimon

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Saint Laurent 

Turn-Ons: Confidence

Turn-Offs: People who refer to themselves in the third person.

Celebrity Crush: James Dean


A Personal Fun Fact: I can speak to animals.

How would you change the world in 2017: Save all endangered species 

I feel sexiest when……: I’m in front of the camera.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I’m a natural, I was born a bombshell.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (12/28/17): Model Alyssa Ros


Alyssa Ros Info:

Age: 19

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: Stockton/Los Angeles, CA

Ethnicity: Cambodian

Occupation: Student

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 128


Instagram: @alrxpa

Twitter: @alrxpa

Facebook: Alyssa Ros

Snapchat: @ohsospicyy

Dream Car: BMW M3

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: The sky is never the limit, only you limit yourself to what you can do.


Favorite Meal: Everything

Favorite Drink: Water

Favorite Album: ‪Chris Brown “Heartbreak on Full Moon”‬

Favorite Movie: Love & Basketball

Favorite Quote: “Strive to be better than yesterday”


Favorite Animal: Giraffe

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Bathing Ape

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Their Face

Turn-Ons: Amazing smiles and goal orientated.

Turn-Offs: No ambition, no goals, no future.

Celebrity Crush: Chris Brown


A Personal Fun Fact: One day I’d like to learn how the burp the alphabet.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Asked to take a photo with me, so he can show his friends “the perfect girl”.

How would you change the world in 2017: Start a non profit & give back to those in need.

How do you know when you’re in love: When you do anything in the world to make your other happy.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: When you and your date actually connect.

I feel sexiest when……: I can wear no makeup and still feel appealing.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Be yourself, and stoping being that one to impress “your boys”. 

What makes you a “Bombshell”: My ambition, my goals, my want and drive to succeed and/or do better than my before.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (1/17/18): Model Cherrel Riana


Cherrel Riana Info:

Age: 25

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Hometown: Waikoloa, Hawaii

Ethnicity: Alaskan Native/Russian

Occupation: Celebrity Esthetician (I’m an esthetician and specialize in men’s facials and about to open up my own practice in Los Angeles.)

Measurements: 32-24-34

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 125

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Instagram: @Cherrel Riana

Snapchat: @cherrelish808

Dream Car: Range Rover

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Pay your taxes and never owe the IRS.


Favorite Meal: Thai beef salad w/ sticky rice.

Favorite Drink: Kombucha w/ Chia Seeds

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Where ever is the most poppin :)

Favorite Sports Team(s): Lakers

Favorite Album: The Weeknd “House of Balloons”

Favorite Movie: 13

Favorite Quote: “Find though she be but little, she is fierce” William Shakespeare

Favorite Website: Amazon

Favorite Animal: Baby Tiger

Favorite Photographer: Annie Leibovitz

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Vintage

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Smile

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Turn-Ons: Compassion

Turn-Offs: Negativity

Celebrity Crush: Paul Walker (R.I.P.)

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Golf Course

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A Personal Fun Fact: I’m obsessed with Pickles

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Made his friend come into my work and act like a client to get information.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Give them the smize 😉

How would you change the world in 2018: Start by bringing awareness.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I can’t get the person out of my head and I feel I would do anything in the world for them!

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Going on a beautiful hike somewhere new then having a tasty lunch and drink somewhere cute while having good conversation.

I feel sexiest when……: I just got done with an amazing workout.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Treat women with respect.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: My fun-loving nature and sense for adventure.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (1/24/18): Model Morgan Aker


Morgan Aker Info:

Age: 21

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Personal Trainer/Model

Height: 5’6”

Weight: 150


Instagram: @morganaker2

Facebook: Morgan Christine Aker

Snapchat: @morganaker2

Dream Car: Blacked Out Ferrari

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Surround yourself with people that is going to create a positive impact on your life.

Favorite Meal: Hibachi

Favorite Drink: Jack & Coke

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Buckhead Saloon

Favorite Sports Team(s): Georgia Bulldogs/Atlanta Falcons

Favorite Movie: House of a 1000 Corpses

Favorite Quote: Psalms 56:3 “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you”

Favorite Animal: Wolf

Favorite Photographer: @cherryimages Charles Cherry

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Fashionnova

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Legs

Turn-Ons: When someone is always having a mindset to have a goal or to always have a mindset of making themselves and people around them better overall being.

Turn-Offs: Laziness

Celebrity Crush: Dave East

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Off a balcony


A Personal Fun Fact: I only eat cereal out of a cup

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Guy getting my attention? (Laughs)

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I tell them. I’m a very straight forward person.

How would you change the world in 2018: Spread more positive energy to everyone that I talk to.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I only think about that other person and no one else and I go out of my way to do anything for that person.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Go out on an adventure that both of us have never done before.

I feel sexiest when……: When I’m working out.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Do things that you know will make you happy and will better yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: What makes me a bombshell is by keeping up with my physique and being confident about myself.

*Photos courtesy of Charles Cherry


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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/1/18): Model Jacinta Donelle


Jacinta Donelle Info:

Age: 29

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: Perth Australia

Ethnicity: Australian

Occupation: Model/Nutritionist

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 58 kg

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Instagram: @jacinta_rok

Facebook: Jacinta Donelle (Model)

Dream Car: BMW

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Travel before you run out of time.

Favorite Meal: Pasta (Ravioli)

Favorite Drink: Vodka

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Beach Clubs

Favorite Sports Team(s): West Coast Eagles (AFL)

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Favorite Album: Tash Sultana

Favorite Movie: Click

Favorite Quote: “Stay Humble. Work Hard & Be Kind”

Favorite Website: This is why I’m broke

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Photographer: My Best Friend

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Herve Leger

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Chest

Turn-Ons: Intelligence

Turn-Offs: Stupidity

Celebrity Crush: Johnny Depp

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A Personal Fun Fact: I’m half Croatian.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Sent nudes

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Tell them

How would you change the world in 2018: Encourage people to travel more and stress less.

How do you know when you’re in love: You just know.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Good food, good company, wine, and a wild night out.

I feel sexiest when……: I’m all dressed up.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Be yourself always.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: My Personality

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/6/18): Model Irina Kern


Irina Kern Info:

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Hometown: San Diego, CA

Ethnicity: Eastern European

Occupation: Model

Measurements: 32DDD-26-40

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 135


Instagram: @irina

Facebook: www.facebook.com/missirinafit/

Dream Car: I have my dream car already – Mercedes G550

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Never Give Up

Favorite Meal: Steak (Medium Well)

Favorite Drink: Iced Coffee

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Omnia Las Vegas

Favorite Sports Team(s): Many


Favorite Album: Many

Favorite Movie: Some Like It Hot

Favorite Quote: Carpe Diem

Favorite Animal: Fox

Favorite Photographer: Mario Testino

Favorite Brand of Clothing: La Perla

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Shoulders

Turn-Ons: Smile

Turn-Offs: Dirty Hands

Celebrity Crush: None

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: I had sex with my boyfriend in an empty room during a break at the university. It made sex so much hotter knowing anyone can come in any minute.


Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Put a new car at my doorstep.

How would you change the world in 2018: Bring more kindness.

How do you know when you’re in love: I am in love already and I know I can do anything for that person.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Me and him on a sailboat in the Caribbean

What makes you a “Bombshell”: Smile, attitude, & social life

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/12/18): Model Becky Hudson


Becky Hudson Info:

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Hometown: Richmond, VA/Los Angeles, CA

Ethnicity: Native American/French/German

Occupation: Model

Measurements: 34DDD-24-38

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 130


Instagram: @Beckyhudson_official

Twitter: @Beckyhudson_official

Facebook: @Beckyhudson_official

Snapchat: @Beautybybecky1

Dream Car: Bugatti or Ferrari

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: If you can dream it, you can do it

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Favorite Meal: Italian or Tacos

Favorite Drink: Tequila

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Beach club on the beach

Favorite Sports Team(s): Lakers

Favorite Album: Too many to choose

Favorite Movie: Wolf of Wall Street

Favorite Quote: “Never get comfortable.”

Favorite Website: Google

Favorite Animal: Dog

Favorite Photographer: Mario Testino

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Agent Provocateur

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Hands

Turn-Ons: Good hygiene nice smile can make me laugh & Driven

Turn-Offs: Bad Hygiene ,Cocky, Narcissists, & Laziness

Celebrity Crush: Leonardo DiCaprio

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: G5

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A Personal Fun Fact: I can eat tacos alllllll day everyday for every meal (Laughs)

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Flew across the world just too meet me:)

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I think they can tell from the attention I give them.

How would you change the world in 2018: Treat people as equals, loving and more kind.

How do you know when you’re in love: You just know.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Somewhere in the Caribbean during sunset good food nice drinks.

I feel sexiest when……: Nice tan sexy dress red bottoms!

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Be yourself

What makes you a “Bombshell”: Personality, Smile, & My Body

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/13/18): Model Jessa Throttle


Jessa Throttle Info:

Age: 21

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Travelling Feature Entertainer/Model

Measurements: 32 W, DDD Cup

Height: 5’1”

Weight: 120


Instagram: @jessathrottle

Twitter: @jessathrottle

Facebook: Jessa Throttle

Snapchat: @jessathrottle

Dream Car: Porsche

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Don’t stop until you’re proud!

Favorite Meal: Texas De Brazil- I love steak!

Favorite Drink: Crown Apple Mixed with Sprite

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: E11even, Miami!

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Favorite Sports Team(s): Baltimore Ravens

Favorite Movie: Pursuit of Happiness

Favorite Website: Pornhub

Favorite Animal: My Cat (Mr. Pickles!)

Favorite Photographer: Johnathan Castallenos (JCSmooth Photography)

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Agent Provocateur

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: I love a strong upper body in a Man!

Turn-Ons: Physical Touch and Intellectual Conversation

Turn-Offs: A bad kisser, and of course bad breath!

Celebrity Crush: The Rock

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: I would say the beach was my craziest spot!


A Personal Fun Fact: I was the captain of my high school cheer squad.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: I was serenaded by a random man, while sitting on my hotel balcony. I felt like a Disney Princess.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Probably by perving on them! I am super flirtatious and super obvious. When I see something I want, I get it.

How would you change the world in 2018: I would legalize Marijuana, so that everyone can be happy.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I think of my lover every day.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: My perfect date would be to spend quality time together. I like to go to the beach, go to the fair or even the movies.

I feel sexiest when……: I am performing at the Strip Club. I really let go and become myself.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: ???

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I believe I am a bombshell not only because of my looks, but because of my personality! I love to be playful and have a good time.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/15/18): Model Emily Victoria


Emily Victoria Info:

Age: 25

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Hometown: Boston, MA/Denver, CO

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Nanny/Marketing/Model/Student (*I have two big projects coming up one is for an athletic clothing line in colorado, the other is a jewelry line.)

Measurements: 33-25-37

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 125


Instagram: @emilyvictoriaofficial

Facebook: www.facebook.com/emilyvictoriaofficial/

Snapchat: @em_victoria

Dream Car: Audi R8 Manual

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Never Settle

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Favorite Meal: Duck Confit Gnocchi

Favorite Drink: G&T

Favorite Sports Team(s): Boston EVERYTHING!

Favorite Album: I don’t remember the last time I bought an entire album.. I think it was Wale.

Favorite Movie: White chicks- I laugh just as hard as the first time I saw it.

Favorite Quote: “I let people think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I’m already one step ahead of them.”

Favorite Website: I can get stuck on pintrest for hours.

Favorite Animal: Lion

Favorite Photographer: Russell James

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Lulu Lemon and anything from Nasty Gal.

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Eyes, smile, & arms


Turn-Ons: Confidence, Honesty, Work Drive, Humor, & Respect

Turn-Offs: Arrogance, Bad manners, & Laziness

Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum & Matt Damon

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: In an Elevator at a Black Tie Gala

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A Personal Fun Fact: I had never had a fast food burger until I was 18. Also, I was adopted and got in contact with my birth parents when I was 23.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: I had a guy pretend to drop and break his phone so he asked to use mine so he could call a friend. He then asked for my number to put in his phone which all of a sudden was working just fine.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Show them! Eye contact, smile, body language, and ask questions about them (and actually listen).

How would you change the world in 2018: Make people more tolerant of really listening and being open minded to other people’s opinions and ideas even if they’re different then theirs.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I feel confident, super optimistic, safe, sexy, and supported by my significant other.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Go kart racing or jet skiing and a nice dinner.

I feel sexiest when……: I’m in heels

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Don’t be afraid to initiate, some girls look intimidating but are really just shy and want you to make the first move. Even if they’re not interested any girl appreciates the courage it takes to walk up and start a conversation.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I am very confident in who I am and what I look like. I’m totally natural no fake nails or hair etc. and I take a lot of pride in that.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/19/18): Model Kendra Savage


Kendra Savage Info::

Age: 25

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: Melbourne, AU

Ethnicity: Australian/Austrian

Occupation: Dental Nurse/Dancer/Spray Tan Technician

Height: 5’9”

Weight: 58kg


Instagram: @savagedoll22

Dream Car: Bugatti Veyron covered in Swarovski Crystals

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: You only live once you don’t want to look back on your life and feel like you missed out on things you could of done you want to look back and think that was an epic life & take your make up off before bed 😂

Favorite Meal: Seafood Platter

Favorite Drink: White chocolate passionfruit martini


Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Arbory bar on the Yarra

Favorite Sports Team(s): Melbourne Stars 💚

Favorite Album: Fetty Wap

Favorite Movie: Mean Girls & Billy Madison

Favorite Quote: “My safe word is pineapple juice ” that bloke being arrested …look it up on YouTube!

Favorite Website: Instagram & Google

Favorite Animal: Monkeys but I love all animals

Favorite Photographer: Eben Blignault @ebenbphoto


Favorite Brand of Clothing: Zachary the label

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Smile & Arms

Turn-Ons: Sense of humour, tattoos, & nice smile

Turn-Offs: selfishness, big egos, & not having manners

Celebrity Crush: Mark Wahlberg

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Casino bathroom


A Personal Fun Fact: I have a German shepherd he is like my child ♥️🐶

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: There is nothing that stands out just a heap of really bad pickup lines.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I’m pretty upfront so I would probably just tell them or flirt really obviously 😂

How would you change the world in 2018: I would love to open up animal sanctuaries across the country to adopt the less fortunate animals of the world!!. Animals are as emotionally pure as we should strive to be. That act alone can hopefully drive a humanitarian action where people treat each other & animals much more respectfully as a result.

How do you know when you’re in love: You just know

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Dinner and drinks somewhere near water on a summers night …. super cliche.

I feel sexiest when……: I have my hair and make-up done & wearing lingerie.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: I was going to say to the what bit of advice can you give to men : send me your credit card details first questions later.. haha no men just need to be honest, there’s nothing sexier than a man who makes themselves both vulnerable and confident with their honesty!

What makes you a “Bombshell”: My IDGAF attitude, my personality & of course my great rack!

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/21/18): Model Mariah Menard


Mariah Menard Info:

Age: 22

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: Tyler, TX

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Waitress/Model

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 125


Instagram: @_mariahmenard_

Dream Car: Cook Custom Rambler (Motorcycle)

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: “Fill in your eyebrows” said by my high school best friend it was well deserved.

Favorite Meal: Anything from ihop at 3am drunk with my best friends.

Favorite Drink: Everclear

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: S4

Favorite Sports Team(s): Minnesota Wild

Favorite Animal: Chicken

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Arms

Turn-Ons: When a man surprises me with wine and cake.

Turn-Offs: Cat people


A Personal Fun Fact: Until I was 7 I was always afraid I’d grow a tail because my dad would sometimes try to sneak dog shampoo into my body wash.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Once my awkward flirting comes out is usually when someone can tell I’m interested.

How would you change the world in 2018: A good start would be to make chick-fil-a open 24 hours.

How do you know when you’re in love: I still haven’t figured that out yet.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: The perfect day includes a bottle of wine, scary movies, unlimited snacks, and a couple of dogs.

I feel sexiest when……: I do a Photoshoot.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Food is the key to any woman’s heart.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I can outdrink any man and still look better doing it.

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/23/18): Model Balilya


Balilya Info:

Age: 25

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Hometown: Boston, MA

Ethnicity: Russian

Occupation: Fiance/Model

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 170

Instagram: @_so.m_

Snapchat: @balilya

Dream Car: Bentley Continental GT

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Be yourself and wear it the best you can.


Favorite Meal: Soul Food!

Favorite Drink: White Wine

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Any good music and good vibes

Favorite Album: Kendrick Lamar, Migos, Bryson Tiller, & Gucci Mane

Favorite Movie: Pirates of Caribbean

Favorite Quote: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.”

Favorite Animal: White Tiger

Favorite Photographer: @kane_photography

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Anything, never limit myself to one brand.

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Arms and Shoulders

Turn-Ons: Persistency and Initiative

Turn-Offs: Passiveness and Negativity

Celebrity Crush: Beyonce and Common

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: On the highway


A Personal Fun Fact: Like to be to myself and by myself sometimes. Can look like I am listening to a person carefully, but be zoning out at the same time. Love reading. Can not drink Tequila for anything in the world.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Fly to another city to get my number (met at the airport and couldn’t talk to him because was running late for my flight, so he just got a ticket on the same plane)

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: Like initiative from a guy.

How would you change the world in 2018: I try to be productive all the time and create opportunities for people to grow and see that there is more to this world than just what is in front of your eyes.

How do you know when you’re in love: Still get butterflies or care a lot about a person.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Something romantic, a guy has to be a gentleman (love when a guy opens doors, has manners), I love flowers, so flowers on a date is a great plus. As far as place, if It is only a first date, I want to get to know each other, so it can be fun, but somewhere where we can talk also. If it is a second, third, fourth date, I would prefer it to be in different places or with different activities, so it wouldn’t get boring.

I feel sexiest when……: I feel the best about my body ( workout regularly and see actual changes).

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Understand that women are completely different from guys in all aspects possible ( physic, mind, feelings) and try to embrace it.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: Self-confidence


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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (2/27/18): Model Alexis Austin


Alexis Austin Info:

Age: 28

Zodiac Sign: Taurus aka “The Bull. We are stubborn as all hell, but we are the most dependable and our loyalty cannot be matched.

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV/DeLand, FL

Ethnicity: Fillipina/Latina/English

Occupation: Insurance Broker/Real Estate Sales Associate/Model

Measurements: 32D/20/34

Height: 5’4”

Weight: 114


Instagram: @alexisaustin.official

Facebook: @alexisaustin.official

Snapchat: @aaustin1108

Dream Car: I would say the BMW I8 but that realistically will be a possible goal for me to achieve for me to get, but a dream car I probably would never be able to own thus being my “dream car” would be a toss up of the Bugatti Veyron or McLaren F1

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: “Take your emotion out of it.”

Favorite Meal: Beef Thai Curry Panang Spicy

Favorite Drink: Non-Alcoholic: Redbull. Alcoholic: Tequila straight no salt or lime or Scotch on the rocks.


Favorite Bar/Nightclub: E11EVEN located in Miami, FL

Favorite Sports Team(s): Gators CFB

Favorite Album: One-X Three Days Grace

Favorite Movie: Wolf of Wall Street

Favorite Quote: “I got a mind of a hustler and a heart of gold”

Favorite Website: Wikipedia

Favorite Animal: Panther

Favorite Photographer: Scott Thomas from Palm Coast, FL.

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Guess

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Neck

Turn-Ons: Obviously good looks matched with great clothing style but in addition to that a vast vocabulary and the ability to be intellectually engaging. I like feeling like a queen and the only woman in the world.

Turn-Offs: A vacuous mind, someone with no ambition to better themselves or isn’t social or narrow minded. We all have days where “we scrub out” but if you don’t care to maintain/take pride in your appearance or hygiene then that is a big NO NO for me.

Celebrity Crush: George Clooney and Ryan Reynolds!!

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Funny story, it was Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Park in Orlando. We had been drinking and decided to run off to a darker lit area that overlooked the lake with the Universal Globe and went at it! Long story short we were was trespassed for a year, I was lucky I didn’t go to jail!


A Personal Fun Fact: I rode bulls as a teenager and I am a gun toting marksman, foul mouthed, fist fighting, 4-Wheeling, fishing, adrenaline junkie, wrestling, skydiving, car racing, tequila slamming Tom Boy, that likes being sexy while doing it all with a crude, dry, dark sense of humor! Not many guess that about me especially my fans who only just see pictures of me so I thought I would share. :-)

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: It wasn’t intentional but he crashed his car checking me out, and it sure got my attention!!

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I am very blunt, I just ask them if they have a girlfriend and that is a pretty clear indication that I am interested, and usually they are taken back when I ask because men aren’t used to such straight forwardness.

How would you change the world in 2018: I don’t believe in doing “good” deeds for personal gain. I’ll elaborate; People say they believe in karma so they only do good to receive good. HOWEVER, I believe you should do good deeds or acts of kindness selflessly. My saying is that “If you want to see more good in the world then start by putting good in the world. Don’t worry about what you get in return, it will all come together in the end.”

How do you know when you’re in love: Because it feels like you are falling down a flight of stairs. Just kidding…. In all honesty you can fall in love with anyone, what really will make it life long happiness is when you find someone who brings fuel to your soul and understands you. As grim as it sounds, looks fade, the treasures of this materialistic world will never love us back, and when we are near passing all we have is one another. You will want to pass onto the next life with their love in your heart.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: It could be anything as long as he takes the time to put something together that revolved around him thinking about ME. It could be a simple dinner with a small token of a gift just because I’ve said how I wanted something a few weeks ago and never got it for myself. A date at home with a handwritten card expressing how much I mean to them as a person. I am easy to please.

I feel sexiest when……: When I am in crowded room full of people and I am mingling with others and there are many other beautiful women around and the entire time in the distance with a glass in his hand, his eyes are on locked on me as if his world is on mute.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Don’t be selfish and always be honest. It’s really annoying to see a man lie or cheat, if you have to do that then be single and don’t make a commitment you can’t keep. Or if you can’t keep one the forfeit. We are all adults there are plenty of women in the world you can hook up with that aren’t looking for a commitment either. I guess I say that because I hate seeing people waste their time, time is irreplaceable.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I don’t claim to know, be, or have it all. I feel like when an individual gets the point they do that is the pit of their down fall. So I would like to think I remain humble, I know I am attractive and I am smart but there is always someone prettier, more rich, or smarter than you. So I only compete with myself and uplift others on the way, so with that, that is why I am a Bombshell.​

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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (3/5/18): Model Ally Spoon


Ally Spoon Info:

Age: 26

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ

Ethnicity: Spanish Russian Jew

Occupation: Marketing Director/VIP Marketing (@veesboutique @lavottaswimwear @cutebootylounge Discount code missallyspoon 10% off.)

Measurements: 34-28-32

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 137


Instagram: @missallyspoon

Twitter: @missallyspoon

Facebook: Miss Ally Spoon

Snapchat: @missallyspoon

Personal Website: www.allyspoon.com

Dream Car: Pink Bugatti

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Trust no one


Favorite Meal: Steak from Steak 44 or Mastros

Favorite Drink: Coffee

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: LIV Miami

Favorite Sports Team(s): Phoenix Suns

Favorite Album: Blink 182 “Enema Of The State”

Favorite Movie: Superbad

Favorite Quote: “God is within her she will not fail”

Favorite Website: Facebook or Instagram

Favorite Animal: White baby tiger

Favorite Photographer: Ryan Guzzetta or Ralsphotos

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Gucci or Chanel

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Is this even a question?

Turn-Ons: Swag

Turn-Offs: Lazy

Celebrity Crush: French Montana

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: Too many to name.


A Personal Fun Fact: I love punk rock music

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Offered me 50k to go to Dubai, no i did not go!

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I tell them straight up.

How would you change the world in 2018: Being positive brings positive

How do you know when you’re in love: I don’t.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: Out of town Beach trip… Morocco, Turks etc.

I feel sexiest when……: I get my makeup or hair done by someone else.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Stop lying.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: My confidence.

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