Sarah Marie Enz Info:
Age: 22
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Hometown: Hollister CA (Currently living in Los Angeles)
Ethnicity: most assume I’m just Caucasian but I’m a total mut (Laughs).
Occupation: Personal Assistant/Model
*I’m currently trying to win the ‘Miss Jetset 2016 cover model search’ the link to vote for me is
Measurements: 34-26-35
Height: 5’5 ½
Weight: 118
Instagram: @sarah_enz33
Twitter: I do not have a twitter account
Snapchat: @Sarahenz33
Personal Website: Don’t have one.
Dream Car: A black Mercedes SLR McLaren
Best advice I’ve ever received: The few that stick out the most I’ve gotten throughout my life are: “stay true to yourself, do what makes you happy and fuck what anyone else thinks” & “to be the source of positivity and light in a world that has been crushed under the weight of lies and betrayals take a moment and realize how short this life is and also realize that none of us know how long we have left in this lifetime”
Favorite Meal: That’s a tough one (Laughs) but I love sushi!
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: I haven’t been to many but I think I’d say Hyde or Warwick in LA. In my hometown though; Johnny’s Bar & Grill
Favorite Sports Teams: The Oakland Raiders, The San Francisco Giants and The Golden State Warriors who represents the entire Bay Area.
Favorite Album: These kind of questions boggle my mind! I love and appreciate all music. I don’t have a favorite album.
Favorite Movie: Probably The Lords of Dogtown
Favorite Quote: That’s a tough one.. I have many. but what stands out most is “be the best and fuck the rest” by a good friend of mine, the one and only Arash Dibazar.
Favorite Website: Don’t have one.
Favorite Photographer: Gregorio Campos
Favorite Brand of clothing: GUESS
Favorite part of a man’s body: Probably their arms.
Turn-Ons: When it comes to looks I love tattoos. But what’s on the inside is what really matters.
Turn-Offs: When they are disrespectful, closed minded, and think they’re the shit.
Celebrity Crush: Heath Ledger
Craziest place I’ve ever made Whoopie sex”: (Laughs) Probably the side yard of my ex fiancés sister’s house.
A Sarah Fun Fact: (Laughs) I have many. But one, is that I have my own language. Some of the people close to me understand some of it, but my sister usually always knows what I’m talking about.
Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get my attention: Acted absolutely insane (Laughs). No details needed.
How would you change the world in 2016: I would start with the justice system.
How do you know when you’re in love: When they’re the first thing I think about when i wake up and the last thing i think about before I fall asleep.
Describe the “Perfect Date”: I’m really open minded and always open to try new things. As long as he has something planned I’m sure I’d enjoy it even if I don’t necessarily enjoy him I’ll make the most if it.
I feel sexiest when……: When I’ve been working out and eating healthy.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: not to play games. You’re men, you’re not teenagers anymore. Just be straight up with a girl from the beginning. Also, Don’t lie, Women always know. (Laughs)
What makes Sarah a “Bombshell”: That I’m original and don’t care what people think.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (5/17/16): MODEL SARAH MARIE ENZ appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.