Whitney M. Info:
Age: 22
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Ethnicity: Creole
Occupation: Student/Model
Measurements: 32-24-34
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 140
Instagram: @Whitneyxmonroe
Twitter: @Color_Me_Monroe
Facebook: Whitney Monroe
Favorite Meal: Spaghetti & Meatballs
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Club Bevvy
Favorite Sports Team(s): Bulls Duh!
Favorite Album: Frank Ocean “Channel Orange”
Favorite Movie: I have so many but to choose one definitely ATL. Hood classic.
Favorite Quote: “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe
Favorite Photographer: I don’t have a favorite photographer at the moment. I admire all creativity and beauty.
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Adidas just because it fits my super chill lifestyle perfectly.
Turn-Ons: Great sense of style
Turn-Offs: Bad sense of humor
Celebrity Crush: A$AP Rocky, he just does something to my soul.
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: A good girl never kisses & tells.
Whitney Fun Fact:
I like to act out songs like music videos in the mirror when no one is watching.
I feel sexiest when……:I
feel sexiest when I’m out with no makeup on and I still get flushed with compliments on my beauty.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
If I could give men one piece of advice it’ll be to never take a good woman for granted.
What makes Whitney a “Bombshell”:
Aside from my physical beauty, I’m a bombshell because I’m comfortable in my own skin. I have the desire to be no one other myself. I own my imperfections and my inner beauty outshines my physical appearance and that’s what being a bombshell is all about.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (12/29/15): MODEL WHITNEY M. appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.