Amber Viscaino Info:
Age: 23
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Hometown: Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Bartender/Student/Model
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 110
Instagram: @ambernichole
Snapchat: @Amber.nichole12
Facebook: Amber Viscaino
Favorite Meal: Sushi
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Any bar is my favorite (Laughs)
Favorite Sports Team(s): Denver Broncos / LA Kings
Favorite Album: Kanye West & Jay-Z “Watch the Throne”
Favorite Movie: 16 Candles
Favorite Quote: “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it” – Jordan Belfort
Favorite Photographer: Y. L forever
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Some many it’s hard to pick just one.
Turn-Ons: A well-educated man, tattoos, someone who loves to venture out & see the world
Turn-Offs: Cockiness. Don’t get me wrong confidence is nice to have but don’t over due it.
Celebrity Crush: Johnny Depp
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: Sadly, the backseat of a car. (Laughs)
Amber Fun Fact:
I love playing football, snowboarding being outdoors! I’m a huge animal lover!
I feel sexiest when……:
My hair and makeup cooperate with me!
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
Don’t try so hard , be yourself.
What makes Amber a “Bombshell”:
I believe what makes me a bombshell is not only my appearance but my personality as well. I don’t believe in being mean to people the world is harsh enough I don’t need to make it harder for anyone.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (12/24/15): MODEL AMBER VISCAINO appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.