Lauren Ashley Allan Info:
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: Sarasota,FL
Ethnicity: (Laughs) I’m a European Mut!
Occupation: Tilted Kilt Server/Model
Measurements: 30-24-36
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 132
Instagram: @Laurenashleyallan
Facebook: www.facebook.comLauren.allan.127
Favorite Meal: SUSHI, or PIZZA can’t choose!
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: NOWL (RIP)
Favorite Sports Team(s): Pittsburgh Steelers
Favorite Album: “The Hills” by The Weekend
Favorite Movie: Stepbrothers
Favorite Quote: “Don’t cry over boys. Do some squats and make them cry wishing they still had dat ass”
Favorite Photographer: shootershane; he is amazing!
Favorite Brand of Clothing: I don’t wear clothes… just bikinis.
Turn-Ons: Sense of humor, a great smile, playing with my hair, and maybe a little booty grab here and there.
Turn-Offs: Stage five clingers, bad attitudes, and lots of body hair
Celebrity Crush: Jason Statham
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: Good girls never kiss and tell (Smiles)
Lauren Fun Fact:
When I lived in New York I met Candice Swanepoel (my women crush everyday) and she complimented me on one of my biggest insecurities (my beauty mark above my lip) and now i love it.
I feel sexiest when……:
I’m at the gym
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
When your girl says “do you have something to tell me”, you’ve been caught just own up. Don’t play stupid!
What makes you a “Bombshell”:
(Laughs) Well I guess my genetics were an awesome start, but sculpting my body at the gym on the daily also helps. I always try to stay humble and yet confident in myself everyone has insecurities so I try to rock mine.
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