Gabrielle Romanello Info:
Age: 21
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA
Ethnicity: American
Occupation: Playboy Model
Measurements: 34-27-35
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 135
Instagram: @gabrielleromanello
Favorite Meal: Steak, mashed potatoes, carrots and corn. OR anything my mom makes
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Henry’s in LA or Hurricanes in Huntington Beach
Favorite Album: John Mayer’s “Where The Light Is” Live from LA
Favorite Movie: Almost Famous/That Thing You Do
Favorite Quote: “If music be the food of love, play on.” -Shakespeare (Duke Orsino)
Favorite Photographer: Annie Leibovitz
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Slick Living/ Young and Reckless
Turn-Ons: good sense of humor, animal lover, good dancer, good hair, tall!
Turn-Offs: boys that are insecure with how tall I am. number one deal breaker.
Celebrity Crush: Jake Gyllenhaal
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: Lifeguard Tower!
Gabrielle Fun Fact:
I danced for 11 years and went to Orange County High School of the Arts, where i studied ballet for 2 years. I love comedy and try to make everyone laugh whenever I’m working on set. I have been playing music for 11 years as well (guitar, piano, ukulele, and vocals)
I feel sexiest when……:
Whenever I’m wearing Victoria’s Secret Lingerie!.. and when i lock eyes with an attractive man and you can see his smile in his eyes. makes me feel like a rule the world (Laughs)
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
If you want to be treated like a King, treat her like a Queen. Compliment her. Buy her a rose for no reason other than to just tell her you love her. Little things go a long way.
What makes Gabrielle a “Bombshell”:
I try to hold myself to high standards. I like working for what i want and accomplishing things that i never thought i would. I love learning about how to better myself and my friends and family. i like living a simple life, no extravagant cars or lavish things. I would rather be a beach bum, walk around barefoot, and enjoy the beauty around me.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (8/11/15): MODEL GABRIELLE ROMANELLO appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.