Holly Crimmins Info:
Age: 23
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hometown: Tweed Heads, AUSTRALIA
Ethnicity: Aussie
Occupation: Student
Measurements: 34D
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 138
Instagram: @hollycrimmins
Facebook: Holly Crimmins
Favorite Meal: Does Ben & Jerry’s count as a meal?
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Bounce Sporting Bar in NYC always a good time!
Favorite Sports Team(s): whoever is winning!
Favorite Album: August Alsina
Favorite Movie: Let’s Be Cops & The Heat Hilarious!
Favorite Quote: So basic of me but “YOLO!”
Favorite Photographer: Theo Henry
Favorite Brand of Clothing: I don’t have a favorite my style is always different
Turn-Ons: Good smile and sense of humor
Turn-Offs: Cockiness , be humble
Celebrity Crush: Chris Brown is a major weakness
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: It’s actually too crazy to say might keep that one to my self!
Holly Fun Fact:
One day I decide I needed a change. I booked a one way ticket to New York ! Didn’t know a single soul but it has been the best desision I have made!
I feel sexiest when……:
Freshly showered and after bottemless mimoas! (Smiles)
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
Just be honest!
What makes Holly a “Bombshell”:
Big boobies and long legs. Also having an accent is always a plus.
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