Mercedes Flores Info:
Age: 20
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hometown: Sacramento, CA
Ethnicity: Mexican/Chinese
Occupation: Champs/Model
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115
Instagram: @chinita.1
Favorite Meal: Sushi/Seafood
Favorite Sports Team(s): San Francisco 49ers
Favorite Album: Kehlani – YSBH mixtape
Favorite Movie: The Godfather
Favorite Quote: “Nobody is you and this is your power.”
Favorite Photographer: Born Vizionary
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Pink Dolphin/Young & Reckless
Turn-Ons: An intelligent man
Turn-Offs: Jocks
Celebrity Crush: Trey Songz
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: A beach
Mercedes Fun Fact:
I’m a daredevil. I do a lot of stuff girls would normally never do. I’m just very adventurous and outgoing!
I feel sexiest when……:
I have no makeup on and I can just relax.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
Treat every woman right.
What makes Mercedes a “Bombshell”:
My intelligence, personality, and body.
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