Marie Covelli Info:
Age: 27
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Hometown: Queens, NY
Ethnicity: Italian
Occupation: Event Coordinator
Measurements: 34-26-38
Height: 5’2″
Weight: Lets say 135
Instagram: @macadocious
Twitter: @macovelli
Favorite Meal: Tacos, Guacamole and anything mexican. I know this for sure because i announce it every time I eat it.
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: I would have to say La Marina on Dykman
Favorite Sports Team(s): I hate ALL SPORTS.. sorry… (Laughs)
Favorite Album: I don’t have a favorite, I enjoy all types of music and very rarely like an entire album from the same artist.
Favorite Movie: Were the Millers
Favorite TV: Tosh.0, Vice, Last WeekTonight, Game of Thrones & The Kardashians… yes the Kardashians
Favorite Quote: Let others inspire you, but always be self-motivated. (I like to think that is my own original quote)
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Everything i own is either from American Apparel or Hot Miami Styles.
Turn-Ons: A sense of humor, confidence, dominance, a soft side under a hard exterior…
Turn-Offs: reckless/childish behavior, cigarettes, sense of self entitlement….
Celebrity Crush: Easy…Uncle Jesse from the 90s
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”: Whats considered crazy nowadays???
Marie Fun Fact:
I’m an old soul! I enjoy many things from before my time. Also, don’t touch my belly button…it grosses me out.
I feel sexiest when……:
I feel confident (if that makes sense)
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
To stop acting like men
What makes Marie a “Bombshell”:
See above interview and photos
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (4/7/15): MODEL MARIE COVELLI appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.