Siera Capesius Info:
Age: 25
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Hometown: Littleton, CO
Ethnicity: German/Hispanic/Native American
Occupation: Personal Trainer/Nutritionist/Model
*I am competing at the LA Grand Prix April 11th. I am so excited to bring the best package yet with my coach Kim Oddo’s guidance and to reveal my new look/bikini made by ClassyYetSassyCustom Suits. Make sure you check out my website and follow my competition journey this year!
Measurements: 34-28-38
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 130
Instagram: @sieracapesius
Twitter: @sieracapesius
Facebook: @sierarcapesius
Favorite Meal: Pepperoni pizza from Whole Foods
Favorite Bar/Nightclub: My favorite place to have a drink is at The Rock.
Favorite Sports Team(s): Broncos
Favorite Album: Nicki Minaj “Pink Print”
Favorite Movie: Malificent
Favorite Quote: “Train your mind to see the positive in everything.”
Favorite Photographer: Robert Reiff
Favorite Brand of Clothing: Lululemon
Turn-Ons: Ambition, communication, and trust.
Turn-Offs: Cockiness, lack of manners, and lazy.
Celebrity Crush: Jason Momoa
Craziest place you ever made “Whoopie”:
Siera Fun Fact:
I like to do funny dances. They typically involve me only moving my knees down and it always cracks everyone up!
I feel sexiest when……:
When I am tan (Laughs)! I love when my happiness radiates the room…that’s when I feel sexiest.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
Have a goal and do what you love in life. Too many people work to pay bills and never do what they love. When you set your goals and your dreams doing what you love, you will make money out of it, but it won’t ever feel like you worked a day in your life.
What makes Siera a “Bombshell”:
I am a very driven person. I want bigger, better, and I love to challenge myself. Reaching my fitness goals and building a career has been two things that really makes me feel like a bombshell. Brains and beauty go hand-in-hand. You “gotta” have the brains and education to match up with the beauty
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