Jessica Zapata Info:
Age: 22
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Hometown: North Providence, RI
Ethnicity: Colombian
Occupation: Student: major-Diagnostic Medical Sonography minor- Healthcare Administration. Sales Associate at Coach
*Currently working on: Prepping to compete in the Miss Rhode Island Belleza Latina pageant in March 2015!
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 110
Instagram: @jessicazapata_
Twitter: @jessicazapata_
Favorite Sports Team(s): Boston Celtics, New England Patriots, Golden State Warriors
Favorite Album: Trey Songz “Trigga”
Favorite Movie: all Fast & Furious movies
Favorite Quote: “If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y (First Love Yourself)”
Turn-Ons: eyes, smile, personality, humor, hard working, driven
Turn-Offs: negativity, no direction on what they want in life
Celebrity Crush: Trey Songz, William Levy, Nick Jonas & Rajon Rondo
Jessica Fun Fact:
I played basketball, flag football & ran track in high school, now I’m a pageant girl!
I feel sexiest when……:
I dress up & put my heels on.
If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….:
Be yourself, work hard and appreciate what you have, don’t take things for granted.
What makes you a “Bombshell”:
My smile & dimples, as well as a confident woman who goes after what she wants. No matter how hard it gets I continue to push myself to be better and get to where I want to be.
The post KABOOM! BOMBSHELL OF THE DAY! (11/26/14): MODEL JESSICA ZAPATA appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.