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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (6/13/18): Model Shannon Elizabeth


Shannon Elizabeth Info:

Age: 26

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Hometown: Somers NY/Danbury CT

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Occupation: Bartender/Model

Measurements: 36B-30-44

Height: 5’7″

Weight: 160

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Instagram: @shannon_eliizabeth

Facebook: Shannon Eliizabeth

Snapchat: @shanelizabethhh

Dream Car: (Laughs) honestly I just want the dopest blacked out matte Wrangler so I can be Jeep Queen and then a cute little Beamer to shred.

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: “NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!”

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Favorite Meal: Shrimp Tacos & Zaaaaaaa

Favorite Drink: Silver Tequila

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Anywhere that has face size margaritas or a wild brunch!

Favorite Sports Team(s): Sports are cool I dig them, I’ll go to a game and rip a beer with the boys but I don’t hardcore follow any team.

Favorite Movie: Disney movies

Favorite Quote: “Fear Does Not Stop Death, It Stops Life.” That’s some realness so real I got it tattooed on my body.”

Favorite Website: Porn Hub duhhh!

Favorite Animal: DOGS!

Favorite Photographer: To the homie Chris Fulcher, you lit

Favorite Brand of Clothing: I’m a scrub straight up (Laughs) I just love baggy clothes, leggings, sweats, hoodies, crop tops, converse and socks and sandals that’s my ally. “Sweat Pants Hair Tied Chillin With No Makeup On” that’s 100% me.

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Heart

Turn-Ons: The Vibe

Turn-Offs: Cockiness

Celebrity Crush: Machine Gun Kelly

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: The roof of a nightclub in NYC (Laughs) that was a savage night, oopsies.


A Personal Fun Fact: I love this part because I always use it to share a special person in my life. So Mr. Military I chose you this time, I know you’re super private and all that but can you be that mad at me for telling the magazines about you? What’s so great about you, you may ask and how this is relevant. In the time we’ve been friends you have truly kept me sane. That’s what people don’t know about me, they don’t know about the people like you in my life. You and your entire family are truly blessings and I’m so happy I have you magnificent humans in my life. You are such an incredible person and I deeply mean that. You literally do anything for me and help me with let’s be serious my life. Everything and anything I know I can always count on you whether it’s just for a good laugh or running around trying to get modeling contracts sent in for me. I want to genuinely thank you for being a real friend. Thank you for taking the time to get to know the real me and not ever feeding into any of the stupid rumors spread about me. Thanks for being you, you’re dope. So here’s to literally the sweetest boy I ever met in my life, this ones for you Kyle D.

Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: Sent me pictures of myself to my house with notes….I love ya byeeeee!

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I hit them up and give them the time of day and try to give some of the minimal free time I have to them. If I give you the time of day stone cold sober you should deff feel some type of way, I can’t even answer text messages. (Laughs)

How would you change the world in 2018: I would try to change how judging people are. Like seriously people who cares what someone else is doing with their life. It’s there’s baby you got yours. Don’t judge someone for what they choose to do, nobody is an Angel.

How do you know when you’re in love: I don’t. I believe I was in-love once and that person really hurt me. I’ve never given my all to someone like that ever since. That was 5 years ago I just can’t get crushed again, so I do me.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: The perfect date. I love this question, cause I mind blow people with my honest response. To me the perfect date is when you got me at that real hour that vulnerable hour. That late night after midnight vibe when you talk to someone literally for hours about everything anything. You laugh, you cry, you scream, you be real. Anyone can buy a dinner, some flowers, jewelry but what not everyone can do anymore is be real. My perfect date is when you vibe with me, if there’s no vibe why would I let you take me to dinner, why waste my time and your money?

I feel sexiest when……: I’m in baggy bro clothes looking like a homie.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: My dudes don’t be jerks, it comes back around I promise.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: Best question yet… I don’t think I’m a bombshell, I don’t gas myself up, I don’t act like something I’m not. I’m actually very insecure which people laugh when I tell them. So what I think truly makes me one is I don’t try to be one at all. I just vibe and go with the flow and I be me always.

Photographer: @hannah.rachael.photography Hair & Makeup Artist: @dollfacedladies

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The post Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (6/13/18): Model Shannon Elizabeth appeared first on Kaboom Magazine.

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