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Kaboom! Bombshell of the Day! (6/11/18): Model Lilly-Ann Heaven


Lilly-Ann Heaven Info:

Age: 27

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Hometown: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Occupation: Model/Artist

Height: 1.75 cm

Weight: 71kg

Instagram: @lillyannheaven

Facebook: Lilly-Ann Heaven

Snapchat: @Lillyannheaven

Dream Car: Porsche PANAMERA 4 E-HYBRI

Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Always smile no matter what happens.

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Favorite Meal: Mexcian food/Sushi

Favorite Drink: Patron with cranberry juice

Favorite Bar/Nightclub: Cirque Du Square Dubai

Favorite Sports Team(s): MMA

Favorite Album: Slim Shady LP

Favorite Movie: Wolf of Wall Street

Favorite Quote: “You never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Favorite Website: Youtube (Laughs)

Favorite Animal: My little doggy Vito (chiwawa)

Favorite Photographer: Sicerow

Favorite Brand of Clothing: Michael Kors

Favorite Part of A Man’s Body: Smile & Eyes

Turn-Ons: Intelligence, ambitious & self-care

Turn-Offs: Insecurity, no self-care or ambitious

Celebrity Crush: Dwayne Johnson

Craziest Place You’ve Ever Made “Whoopie”: On a bridge.

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Craziest thing a guy has ever done to get your attention: He made up a whole job application in which he did not even have access to impress me and to be able to see me.

How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: I tell them.

How would you change the world in 2018: Focus on the problems in the world fix it , help the less fortunate put other people in the politics government in all country.

How do you know when you’re in love: When I can’t stop thinking about the person.

Describe the “Perfect Date”: A date I never did before I don’t like regular or basic things.

I feel sexiest when……: When I’m done at the hairdresser.

If you could give men one piece of advice it would be….: Don’t rush something you want to last forever.

What makes you a “Bombshell”: I am always myself and true to what I do.

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